Click on the Planning Application number to access the LCC Planning Services notification of a major change. Follow the links to see the details and to submit your comments....
Guidelines for Comments
Listed below are the factors that a Planning Officer will take into account when assessing a response to a Planning Application.
- The effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood.
- Adverse impact on the residential amenity of the neighbourhood.
- The visual impact of a development.
- Unacceptable high density/ overdevelopment of the site especially if it involves loss of garden land or the open aspect of the neighbourhood.
- The proposed development is over-bearing, out of scale or out of character with existing development in the vicinity.
- The development would adversely effect highway safety or the convenience of road users.
- Traffic generation.
- Noise and disturbance.
- Adequacy of parking/loading/turning.
- Road access.
- Smells.
- Design, appearance, materials.
- Landscaping.
- Hazardous materials.
- Loss of trees.
- Disabled person access.
- Local, strategic, regional and national planning policy.
- Proposals in the development plan.
- Nature conservation.
- Archaeology
- Flooding
- Ground stability.
- Impact on protected trees and hedgerows.
- Non-compliance with other council planning policies and government planning guidance.
A planning officer will not take into account the following:
- Loss of private view.
- The identity of the applicant.
- The motives of the applicant applying for planning permission (e.g. If the application is thought to be purely speculative).
- Concerns about possible future development of the site (as distinct from the actual development which is currently being proposed.
- Any effect on the value of neighbouring properties.
- The impact of construction work or competition between firms.
- Disputes over rights of way.
- Restrictive covenants.
- Fence lines.
Click here for full application guidelines document
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